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Andrew Wolfe

Andrew Wolfe, Assistant Professor.
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Office: Room BB-414
Phone: (212) 896-0456
Lab Website: bit.ly/thewolfelab
Faculty Website: wolfe.bioweb.hunter.cuny.edu
Mailing Address:
413 E 69 Street
Belfer Research Building, Room BB-450 D01
New York NY 10021

Additional Affiliations:


Research Interest:

Why do so many cancers recur after seemingly successful treatment? How can understanding the biology of oncogenes lead to new therapeutic possibilities?
The Wolfe lab strives to gain a deeper understanding of how tumors depend on driver oncogenes to reprogram their growth, metabolism, and survival signals. Understanding mechanisms by which pancreatic cancers, lung cancers, and leukemias develop resistance to targeted therapies is instrumental to developing innovative approaches that can improve patient outcomes.
The lab employs techniques related to molecular biology, pharmacology, biochemistry, cancer signaling, tissue culture, large-scale screening, models of cancer, flow cytometry, CRISPR, and more.
For more information, please visit the Wolfe Lab website at bit.ly/thewolfelab

Selected Publications:

Last Updated ( Monday, 13 June 2022 14:07 )